Customer Feedback

"I’ve been using Hamilton products for over a decade. From the Setting compounds to their Air drying compounds, they’re all quality materials. I like the setting compounds because of the consistency throughout the set time. The setting time is on the bag is what you get, it trowels up nice and sets hard.
Their Air drying products like HiLite (my favourite) is great for taping joints, skim coating, finishing coats, they have lite weight through to heavy compounds for different purposes, their range is great".

Pete Reeve, Reeve Plastering.


"I’ve been using Hamilton materials since the mid 1990s. I found with their extensive range of materials, that there would be a product to suit any required application I needed.
In all the years I’ve been using Hamilton materials I’ve never had an issue with any of their products, the consistency from batch to batch has been faultless.
In my personal opinion the introduction of Hamilton plaster into New Zealand, changed the drywall industry for the better, compared to the products available for plastering in NZ at the time, it was decades ahead, the other brands have been playing catch-up since."

Anthony Stewart, AFS Fixing and Stopping


"I've used Hamilton's products from the first day David opened his first shop and will always stick with his products."

Dean Stanborough


"Hamilton’s is my first choice when it comes to compounds. I have found them to be very smooth with great workability and a quality finish."

Alice Brooking